Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

**Korean staff: (left to right) Pastor Lee, me, Teacher Eun Sil, Teacher Pyo, Missionary Jeong and Teacher I-sak** As a holiday/welcoming celebration, Pastor Lee treated us to a breakfast buffet at a hotel. It had been 2 weeks since I had American style food. I had two bowls of cereal..hehee :P
Many students and staff went home for the holidays. The 7 students and 6 staff members will be celebrating Christmas together at the school. On behalf of DFC School, I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy every moment as you spend it with your loved ones. Rejoice, for Christ was born this day! Thinking of you and missing you... <3


  1. praying for your jooan! you have a beautiful heart which shines in your actions. plz keep us all posted!

  2. is that at JOHN HAY?

  3. Merry Christmas Jooan..I'm glad you're not spending the Holidays alone! Miss you!
