Friday, December 18, 2009

Greetings from the Philippines!

Sorry it took awhile to write...I'm still trying to adjust to the time difference and get myself settled into the new place. Gee, it's only been 2 weeks, but it seems like I've been here a lot longer :)
I realized that blogging is the best way to keep you updated (hehee...yes, you were right!) So, for my first entry, let me fill you in from my departure to my arrival at Disciples for Christ School in Baguio City, Philippines.
Dec 4th, Friday @ LAX
At the check-in counter, there was an issue with me having just a one-way ticket to the Philippines. So, with the help of a dear friend (jb, thank you so much!) I was able to buy a random ticket flying out of the Philippines. We thought of choosing an exotic destination, but came to realize that that wasn't being rational. I ended up buying a ticket to Korea since it was close, cheap and I have family there...just in case I was to be deported due to some visa issues. Anyway, due to the hangup at the counter and also saying my dreaded farewells to my family and friends, I was late to my gate. Well, thanks be to God my flight was delayed! I made it onto my plane!
It was a long 14hour plane ride to Taipei, Taiwan. It was supposed to be a 2hour layover in Taipei, but since my flight out of LAX was delayed, I had just enough time to get to my transit flight. It was another 2hour plane ride to Manila, Philippines.

Dec 6th, Sunday @ Manila Airport
I arrived in Manila, Philippines on Sunday morning. As soon as I stepped out of the plane I felt the hot humid air that everyones been talking about. I got to the baggage-claim area and waited for my bags. I stood there looking into the carousal until I realized that I was looking at the same 3 unclaimed bags (not mine) going around and around...and there were no more new luggage coming out of the shoot. It was a nightmare! Where are my luggage? I soon found out that my luggage were still in Taipei...they never made it onto the transit flight to Manila because of the earlier delay. The airlines made arrangements to have my bags delivered to the school where I would be staying. Would I ever see my bags again?!? I would soon find out that this was the best thing that could of happened to me. Things might look bad at the time, but God knows what he's doing. God works for the good, right!?
Here is a list of things I had to go through before I reached my final destination. I still can't imagine lugging my bags around...
*Go through customs
*Exchange currency (dollars to pesos...$1 = P45)
*Hail a taxi
*Taxi ride to the bus terminal (20min). Btw, the cab driver tried to rip me off and charged double the going rate. After I complained about it, he ended up giving me a "discount." Anyway, mobs of people surrounded the cab as it stopped at the unloading zone. I think they were either trying to help me with my luggage and/or steal something. I slipped through the crowds with my backpack and headed straight toward the bus ticket booth.

*Manila's bus terminal to Baguio City's bus terminal (7 hours). Baguio City is about 155 miles north of the capital city, Manila. It's elevation is about 4,500 feet! The roads are not the best...mostly unpaved. It was a long ride, but a relaxing and fun one at that. Well, I borrowed a neighbor's cell phone just before I got to my stop and texted someone at the school to pick me up at the bus terminal.

*Car ride to my final destination, DFC (20min). The drive up to the school was bumpy and steep. The mountains and trees were marvelous to look at, but everything else was pretty hard to take in. There were so many small shacks and run down shops. I could already tell that the worst thing about this place was going to be the smog from the cars. The security guard opened the gate to the school and we drove into where I would be spending my next several...


  1. Noon~ gotta love it! Truly a blessing and YES! GOD works for the Good! Miss you much~

  2. praise God!! glad you're there... love the blog and your screen name.. hahahah... master jo.. :)

  3. love your decision to blog! hope you're not spending the holidays alone...miss u!

  4. I just discovered your blog site! You've had some crazy adventures already. :)
    Well, hope you have fun and keep us posted!
