Friday, March 5, 2010

Question: Rules are meant to be__. Broken or followed?

Wow, so much has happened since my last post! Time is flying by so fast. I can't believe I've been here 3 months already! I'm doing my best not to waste a moment and truly treasure every second of the's definitely a challenge :)

Well, just to name a few changes...hmm...old students have returned after the long holiday break, many new students have enrolled (now I'm a proud dorm parent of 23 rambunctious girls ranging in age from 11 to 20), one female dorm parent has left and one new male dorm parent has joined our group, the weather is a bit cooler, I've lost a couple of pounds and I'm teaching a few additional English classes.

The hardest part about being here, of course, is not being able to see my family and friends. Another thing that is very difficult is learning how to discipline the students. It's a bit awkward situation because I'm sleeping, eating, playing with the students as well as teaching them. When do I become the parent, the friend, the teacher, etc??? Who do they see me as? Also, when do I take disciplinary actions into my own hands and when do I pass it onto the administration?

I won't go into too much detail, but a few of the students are definitely in their rebellious stage. They want to do what you ask them not to do. We have caught them cheating, breaking curfew, ditching class or worship time, buying smokes, having alcohol breath, etc.

One funny/shocking thing is how the students try to fool you or blatantly lie in front of your face. Surprisingly, I've been speechless at times...hehee =) They think it's about fooling me or the teachers, but it's actually about fooling themselves. And they must realize that God cannot be fooled!
In some situations I want to be gracious and give them just a warning. In other cases I need to take it to the higher authorities so it can be taken care of properly. For instance, if I find a student cheating inside the dorm, do I deal with the situation as a dorm parent and/or do I go tell it to the principal the next morning?

I want these students to learn honesty and intregrity. It is something that can be learned, but how and when is the question. All I do know is that I need a lot of patience, understanding, wisdom, discernment, prayer...I need God! My prayer is that these students will grow up to be God fearing, God loving, disciples for Christ.

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